Welcome to Rohan's Fitness website!

The Pain You Feel Today Will Be The Strength You Feel Tomorrow

5 Quick benefits of working out

1: Exercise boosts energy Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lung health improve, you have more energy to spare daily. 2: Exercise helps you sleep better Regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster, get better sleep and deepen your sleep. 3: Excersie can build on your social skills Joining exercise clubs, meeting new people is something a lot of people come across. Having a gym buddy or a group of friends is also a great way to interact with people around you. 4: Better self-esteem Working out will grow your self-esteem mentally and physically since you will be on your way to a better fit lifestyle and physique. This will increase your confidence becoming more positive as a person. 5: Increases your bone density Working out will strengthen your bones minimizing the risk of you getting osteoporosis (weak bones and muscle pains).

nutritional daily allowance image
Nutritional daily allowance consists of food groups and how much a person should have a day in order to live a healthy lifestyle.
Here are the most important daily nutritional allowances provided by the NHS.
To live a healthy lifestyle you must be meeting these requirements as followed...

g= grams
Bold writing= important information

Water: You must drink 2-3 litres of water throughout the day.
sleep: you must have at least 8 hours of sleep per night in order for your body to function the next day.
Alcohol: You must only consume a total of 14 units of alcohol a week, anymore is considered unhealthy for your body.
Smoking: you should not be smoking at all.
Exercise: you should be doing some sort of exercising for at least 30 minutes a day for all ages to stay active and fit.

These are now food focused healthy allowances you must feed your body each day
Protein: 56g for men & 46g for women. (Macronutrients)
Sugar: 37.5g for men & 25g for women.
Fibre: 38g for men & 21-25g for women.
Carbs: If you are looking to lose weight you should be eating 50-150g of carbs a day. If you are looking to put on weight you must then have 225-325g of carbs a day. (Macronutrients)
Fats: 30g for men & 20g for women. (Macronutrients)
However this does not mean you have to meet every requirement of each nutritional portion. The idea is to eat a realistic amount to consider yourself heathy. You will know this by booking an appointment with the doctor checking out what your body needs for example if your body requires more vitamin A or proteins.

Micronutrients include vitamins and minerals which are very important and play big part in energy production, they heal wounds fast, and strengthens your immunity system (fights illnesses). They are found mostly in fruits and vegetables. 
Micronutrients also include calcium, vitamin b12, zinc, potassium, and vitamin c.
Not consuming enough micronutrients will result in potential cancers, dementia, osteoporosis, and heart disease and much more...
Macronutrients are similar to micronutrients however they provide us with energy such as fat, protein and carbohydrate. Whereas micronutrients we need little of hence why we only need 100 milligrams a day. 

Assess your fitness level
It is important to weigh yourself daily or every week and measure your waist to hip ratio to track your progress.
Doing this will allow you to see if you have put on or gained weight, the more results you start to see the more harder you train (if your aim is to lose weight or put on weight).
How much you eat daily is also important to see if you need to eat more or less depending on your size (3 meals a day is vital)

The 5 main fitness tests 
I recommend doing some fitness tests if you have never worked out before or haven't in a while. The benefit of doing this will allow you to see where you are currently at in strength, speed, flexibility, balance and power. Once you have measured and done each and every fitness test for the first time or not, come back after 4 weeks and do it again. Doing this will show if you have made any particular progress. These 5 tests are also a good way of finding out if you have weakened or strengthened in overall fitness.
The 5 main fitness tests are strength, speed, balance, flexibility and power
Strength and endurance: 1 minute push up test
speed: 20-40 yard dash (requires marked track and stopwatch)
balance: stand on 1 leg for 30 seconds (trying not to sway, or move at all)
Flexibility: sit and reach test (requires a sit and reach box)
power: vertical jump test (requires a pen or chalk, and jumping mat) bend and jump vertically reaching the highest you can with one hand (mark the wall or use measuring tape).
Most of these tests require an assistant or a friend to help measure your results and progress (the person with the stopwatch).

Create a timetable fitness plan
creating your own working out plan is a great guide and easy to follow, you should be working out for at least 1 hour so is important that the time for each exercise you do manages the time within the hour, unless you wish to workout longer.

An example of a fitness timetable should look like this:

If you are doing weights then it will consist of reps and sets (reps is how much you will do before completing 1 set).
If you are doing cardio it goes by time so for example 20 minutes on treadmill.

Understanding what body type you are

There are 3 different body types:
Ectomorph: Ectomorph is someone is very long and lean and finds it hard to gain muscle and fat and has a fast metabolism.
Endomorph is someone who has more fat than muscle mass, and has a slow metabolism.
Mesomorph is someone who is very muscular, well built, strong muscle cells and has a high metabolism.
Once you find out what body type you are, you can then focus on what it is you need to do in order to become more fitter and stronger physically. If you are an Ectomorph you need to eat more then your body burns (calorie wise) and lift heavy. If you are an Endomorph you need to plan a healthy diet which consists low calories, more protein and healthy carbs. Lots of cardio will also help alongside with weight lifting. And lastly if you are a Mesomorph you usually gain or lose weight fast so it is important to maintain a healthy diet so you don't start losing muscle cells or weight (same goes for eating too much and becoming overweight). As long as you stay active and eat well you will maintain a mesomorph physique.

Start with a friend
Working out with a friend or a group of friends is always way more fun rather than alone. It is also better to workout with a friend so they can motivate you and assist you with any exercises regarding heavy weights, or if you need them to hold your feet to preform a sit up as an example. However some people like to workout alone so they can focus which is also another option, but if you have never worked out before it is more efficient if you go with a friend so they can help/motivate you.